splice dren
splice dren

AfteritspellsoutNERDwithtoysafterseeingtheacronymonElsa'sshirt,ElsanamesitDren.Clive'sbrotherGavindiscoversDrenbutfleesaftershe ...,Drenisahuman/animalhybridcreatedbytwoyoung,rebelliousscientistsinthesciencefictionhorrormovieSplice.Drenwascreated...

Splice · Dren


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Splice (film)

After it spells out NERD with toys after seeing the acronym on Elsa's shirt, Elsa names it Dren. Clive's brother Gavin discovers Dren but flees after she ...

Dren | Non-alien Creatures Wiki

Dren is a human/animal hybrid created by two young, rebellious scientists in the science fiction horror movie Splice. Dren was created by scientists Clive ...


Elsa and Clive, two young rebellious scientists, defy legal and ethical boundaries and forge ahead with a dangerous experiment: splicing together human and ...


2020年2月29日 — Splice, from director Vincenzo Natali, released in 2009 and explored the pitfalls of human experiments with human-animal hybrid, Dren.

Dren (Splice) - Villains Wiki

Dren is the main antagonist of the 2009 sci-fi horror film Splice. She was portrayed by Delphine Chanéac. Two generic engineers, which are a couple Clive ...


導演Vincenzo Natali 繼《心慌方》(Cube)這齣超現實科幻驚慄作品後,再推出《接種》(Splice),以基因改造為主題,挑戰道德倫理的底線。 ... 她拿起剪刀,剪破Dren 的衣服 ...

Delphine Chanéac

In 2010, she appeared in the Canadian science fiction horror drama movie Splice, as Dren, and in the crime thriller Verso. ... Dren(as Delphine Chaneac). 2009.

Splice · Dren

Digital images created by Daniel Lee, he combines human portraits with animal features that are startlingly lifelike.

Splice (2009 movie)

2011年6月22日 — Research in finding sequences from other genomes for use to fix humans has been explored. However, when it gets to the end of the movie and the ...


AfteritspellsoutNERDwithtoysafterseeingtheacronymonElsa'sshirt,ElsanamesitDren.Clive'sbrotherGavindiscoversDrenbutfleesaftershe ...,Drenisahuman/animalhybridcreatedbytwoyoung,rebelliousscientistsinthesciencefictionhorrormovieSplice.DrenwascreatedbyscientistsClive ...,ElsaandClive,twoyoungrebelliousscientists,defylegalandethicalboundariesandforgeaheadwithadangerousexperiment:splicingtogetherhum...